The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power Lyrics: Finding Hope And Healing Through Faith

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The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power Sheet Music The Blood Will Never
The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power Sheet Music The Blood Will Never from


In the midst of life's challenges, we often find solace and strength through music. One timeless hymn that continues to resonate with believers is "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power." These powerful lyrics, penned by Andraé Crouch, remind us of the unchanging and everlasting power of Christ's blood to bring hope, healing, and redemption. As we delve into the lyrics of this song, let us discover the profound truths it holds and the transformative impact it can have on our lives.

The Assurance of Christ's Blood

The opening lines of the song declare, "The blood that Jesus shed for me, way back on Calvary, the blood that gives me strength from day to day, it will never lose its power." These lyrics remind us of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross and the unfathomable power that resides in His shed blood. This assurance comforts us, assuring us that no matter what we face, the power of Christ's blood is sufficient to sustain and empower us.

Finding Redemption and Forgiveness

As the song progresses, we are reminded of the incredible redemption and forgiveness we receive through Christ's blood. The lyrics proclaim, "It soothes my doubts and calms my fears, and it dries all my tears. The blood that gives me strength from day to day, it will never lose its power." These words speak of the transformative nature of Christ's blood, bringing healing to our brokenness and washing away our sins. Through His blood, we find forgiveness, peace, and the assurance of eternal life.

Restoring Hope and Healing

The hymn goes on to emphasize the restorative power of Christ's blood, stating, "It reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest valley. The blood that gives me strength from day to day, it will never lose its power." These lyrics paint a vivid picture of the all-encompassing nature of Christ's blood, capable of reaching every aspect of our lives. No matter how high our mountains of despair or how deep our valleys of pain, Christ's blood has the power to restore hope, heal wounds, and bring us to a place of wholeness.

The Impact of "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" in Our Lives

A Source of Encouragement

For believers, these lyrics serve as a source of encouragement in times of trials and tribulations. They remind us that we are not alone in our struggles and that the power of Christ's blood is always available to strengthen and uplift us. The song's message resonates deep within our souls, renewing our faith and reminding us of the unchanging love and grace of our Savior.

A Call to Worship

Furthermore, "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" is often sung as a worship anthem in churches worldwide. As believers join together in singing these lyrics, they are reminded of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for humanity and the immeasurable power found in His blood. It serves as a call to worship, inviting individuals to reflect on the magnitude of God's love and respond in adoration and surrender.

A Proclamation of Victory

Lastly, this hymn serves as a proclamation of victory over sin, darkness, and every form of bondage. The lyrics affirm that through Christ's blood, we have been set free and empowered to live victoriously. They remind us that the power of the blood is not just a historical event but a present reality that continues to transform lives, bringing freedom, joy, and victory in every circumstance.


"The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" is more than just a song; it is a powerful declaration of faith and a reminder of the unchanging power found in Christ's blood. These lyrics have the ability to uplift, encourage, and transform lives, offering hope, healing, and redemption to all who embrace them. As we meditate on these words and allow them to penetrate our hearts, may we experience the transformative power of Christ's blood in every aspect of our lives.